Well, I was looking thru the study (i.e. 'Kool-Aid') Watchtower for today and in the middle of the magazine I found an article about how You Should Go To Your Local Bethel/Branch Office And Be Really Impressed ( Enough To Join This Sad, Sick Cult).
I initially thought, "Wow, what idiots! They encourage everyone to go to their local Bethel at a time when they are closing Branch Offices all over the globe! Ah, but not so fast! They offer examples of Really Nice Branch Offices as Mexico, Japan, Brazil and Germany - and they talk about a brother named Mario in the German Bethel.
So, maybe it's their fake/bogus/propagandistic way of saying "Hey, don't worry about all those long term losers in Branch Offices that we will throw into the street! It's all good!"
Oh, and by the way ..... it mentions a seminary by contrast where everything was totally secret! Secret is really bad, I guess. Not Like Bethel, where everything is honest and in the open ( gag.......... spit take......)