WT Leaders Slander Former Members

by compound complex 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Perhaps nothing better illustrates the lack of a Chrisitian spirit within the leadership of the Watch Tower Society, than their slander and vilification of former members. A Christian spirit would mandate prayer for and wishing such ones well, even if their sin were authentic and well documented, encouraging such ones to repent and accept the teachings of Jesus Christ. Where is the verse in Scripture that encourages hatred for a person who merely resigns his membership in an organization? Decisions to the contrary come from some source other than the teachings of Jesus or from God's Word.

    It is the author's observation that the Watch Tower Society is far removed from the two great commandments of our Redeemer, to love their Heavenly Father and to love their neighbors. Jesus' quotation of Isaiah 29:13 is most appropriate here: "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men."

    The Four Presidents of the Watch Tower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses), Edmond C. Gruss, page 87.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    [Perhaps nothing better illustrates the lack of a Chrisitian Christian spirit within ...]

  • mamalove

    Wow, really good post. I am going to copy this for use later if you don't mind!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good morning, mamalove!

    By all means!

    Love to you and yours,


  • tec

    I think that's a very apt scripture, CoCo.


  • Sayswho

    • well said...
  • VM44

    What about the current members?

    One of the Governing Body (said to be David Splane) called the older JWs "mumurers"!

    That doesn't show appreciation for the years of sacrifice they have given.

  • sd-7

    "I resent that! Spoken, it's slander. In print, it's libel."--J. Jonah Jameson, "Spider-Man".

  • ReallyTrulyAthena

    Hi CoCo - thanks for this post. I'm also copying it down as well, for handy reference.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, everyone, for your great posts!


    [...] because the organization wasn't so unpleasant and cold back then, we Bethelites had fun and relative freedom, and could talk about secret "issues." The Watchtower was VERY STUPID in not addressing that incident with kindness and humility, instead of the harsh way they decided they were going to treat everyone. You don't beat a dog with a bat and expect the others watching not to be enraged. That rage surfaces at times like these. The other dogs will come in the night and burn your house down with extreme prejudice in revenge for the way they were treated.

    Thanks, Randy!

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