"When Bread Becomes a Dollar a Loaf, It Will Be Too Expensive To Live!"
Anyone remember that being said by the JWs?
I am wondering if was a quote from an article or book, or something the JWs came up with on their own?
by VM44 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"When Bread Becomes a Dollar a Loaf, It Will Be Too Expensive To Live!"
Anyone remember that being said by the JWs?
I am wondering if was a quote from an article or book, or something the JWs came up with on their own?
Never heard that one before but certainly the type of comment you could read in a Watchtower.
Over the years the society have made all sorts of remarks aimed at showing that soon we will not be able to cope because of the mounting problems coming upon man.
And hey, guess what everything they have said in that regard has proved totally false.
It rings a bell, but I can't say for sure where or when I heard it.
did it not have something to do with jesus, or revelation?
Probably late 50s or early 60s when gas was .25 a gal. and bread .30 a loaf. I think the Society misses the Cold War and the imminent threat of nuclear war.
I thought it had to do with one of the Revelation signs of the end would be that due to hard economic times & rampant inflation it would take all your daily wages just to make ends meet and feed your family. In poorer countries it would lead to many deaths by famine.
A dollar for a loaf of bread seems like a good deal now.
Think About It
if it's so, then the WT did get a prophecy right!!!
Interestingly it's in a 1975 magazine!
Watchtower 1975
January 1st p.3 Why Is It So Hard to Make a Living?For others, though, the problem is much worse. The New York Times reported: "No matter how severe food price inflation has been in the United States, it has been mild by comparison with many other countries where prices have doubled and tripled in recent months. For many poor people the price of a single meal now exceeds aday’s income."—(Italics ours)
This condition is a striking fulfillment of Bible prophecies regarding our time, one of which foretold: "A whole day’s wage for a loaf of bread." (Rev. 6:6, Weymouth) High prices, food shortages, disease epidemics, world wars and other unprecedented troubles in our generation were prophesied to result from the ride of the ‘horsemen of the apocalypse,’ all identifying our time as the foretold "last days."—Rev. chap. 6; 2 Tim. 3:1-5.
Trouble is, that depends on your income. If you live in a place where bread is $200,000 a loaf but the average person is making quintillions of dollars per hour, that would be very cheap. However, if the prevailing wages are 5 cents an hour, it would be too much. Better would be, how many hours of work does a loaf of bread cost.
Seems the witlesses never mention that fact.