How many EX JW therapists are there? Hae you been treated by one?

by hamsterbait 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamsterbait

    I am thinking of getting some more therapy.

    I spent a lot on it - TA - in the mid 90s and it made a huge differenct to me. I have a few issues to with the dubbies I want to sort - and thought it is prolly a HUGE saving to see an EX JW therapist as I dont have to waste valuable time explaining the beliefs.

    I am concerned there may be a downside to this - transference problems, assuming a level of understanding that is NOT actually there.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You mean a counselor who was a JW? or one who specializes in JWs? or just someone who knows how cuults work?

  • hamsterbait

    Lady -

    Specifically an EX JW who is now a counsellor. I am getting a hunch right now this may not be a good thing - They are going to bring their own shit into the room too?


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You kknow me. I've been around a long time. A good counselor doesn't drag his shit into the office. Hopefully they have dealt with it.

    I don't think there are a lot of us out there. I think your best hope is to find a counselor who is experienced in dealing with abuse issues. They are easily translated into the kinds of abuse we experienced as JW.

  • Hadit

    Hi guys - this is a question I was wondering too. I think therapy is important - it's very difficult to handle the amount of stress and issues on your own. This is especially the case with spouses and children who are still in and to deal with the issues day to day is awful.

    Lady Lee - do you know of any information packages out there that explain our situation? Have you compiled anything to do with JW specific issues? I would be interested in reading it if you have. I have a project in mind and any information that is already put together would be very helpful. If you would like we can discuss my ideas via PM and/or telephone. I'm going to be putting together some information soon and any assistance would be much appreciated - especially considering your expertise. Thanks so much!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I've done a few things that might be helpful. There were written to inform and discuss but a lot of my topics don't get a lot of discussion.

    The first two are based on the book Toxic Parents by Susan Forward. I show how the religion treats JWs no different than abusive parents would treat their children.

    Then there are two discussion baded on the book Emotional Blackmail again by Susan Forward

    There was also a 4-part series done on the book The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse by David Johnson & Jeff VanVonderen

    There are some others you might find helpful in The Best of Lady Lee

    Pick what you find most helpful to you and ask if your therapist is familiar with the issues discussed in any of those books.

    One final book that might be halpful is Captive Hearts, Captive Minds which was republished as Take Back Your Life by Tobias and Lalich The links to the discussion son that book are at Captive Hearts, Captive Minds/Take Back Your Life This is a series covering the first 7 chapters of the book

  • Hadit

    Thanks so much Lady Lee! You've compiled a lot of info. I will read through all the information and go from there.

    Have a great day!


  • Markfromcali
    I am concerned there may be a downside to this - transference problems, assuming a level of understanding that is NOT actually there.

    Also keep in mind the ability to relate is not "understanding" in this sense, it's important but it's just having a feel for where you've been and where you're coming from. Most people here have that, they just may not necessarily have the psychological understanding. The JW history has more to do with the content rather than the psychological dynamics. There are other high-control groups that have similar issues, and if there are competent therapists who can deal with the issues but just don't know the JW stuff, it would be a good idea to take advantage of that. Realistically there are not going to be many with the background anyways.

    Many people are not very analytically oriented, but it seems it only makes sense to understand the therapists theoretical orientation and how they frame things. Why not ask them, and at least do a quick google search and compare how these approaches work? It's really kind of amazing how people talk about being in therapy and say absolutely nothing about what kind of therapy it is, as if it's all the same. Being savvy about our health care includes our mental health.

    BTW the Best Of thread is not loading right now..

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I fixed the link Hopefully it will work now

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