The Gibbering Buddy has already lost control. They dont know it yet.

by hamsterbait 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamsterbait

    Think of all the unintended negative effects of the changes.

    The "Generation"

    Axing the Book Study.

    (You can add to the list)

    All the changes are to enforce CONTROL over the sheeples.

    As far as I can see they are alienating the flock.

    Elderly ones DEVASTATED because they are having to face their mortality.

    The social isolation since the BS was removed from homes.

    Each change they have brought in has isolated and estranged the very ones who trusted this Organisation.

    Like Hitler in 1941, he did not realise that the war had already turned against him.

    (Interestingly, how many of the new UBER Gibbering Buddy are of German descent - is there a connexion with their new mantra of "TOHTAHLES OBEDIENTZ"?)


  • Joshinaz

    I'm pretty sure they do know it. With so many exiting the KH's and the Secert Elder's book they are printing they are scratching and crawling at their lost control with everything they got.

  • belbab

    I find the comment in the last sentence if your post intriguing. I always thought that there was a German influence on the structure of the WT organization. Rutherford tried appeasement with the Nazis in the thirties. Schnell, who wrote the book "Thirty years a WT slave" made the claim that the German WT organization was far superior to the American WT. He claimed that he (and perhaps others) came from Germany to improve the American organization. NH. Knorr was of German descent, I believe. When I was in Gilead, there was a co-student with a german name who was receiving grooming for some special work for NH Knorr.

    The mantra of the WT has for years been, organization and obedience above all.


  • Ding

    I would like to believe the Watchtower is crumbling, but they have weathered a lot of flip-flops, failed predictions, and exits in the past.

    I fear that the mind control, fear, and intimidation is so strong that the tower won't fall down any time soon.

  • clarity

    Belbab hello again,

    Your comment about the German influence on the structure of the watchtower org seems to be backed up by information on the site, Secret Jehovahs Witness Legal Case page 4 of 4 ..... sorry tried to download site but?... Here's the gist of it:

    "In 1935 Judge Rutherford sent Anton Koerber on a special mission to Germany and Russia. Koerber's mission was to regain possession of the Watchtower Society's printing presses seized by the German government, and to have the presses shipped to Russia, where Koerber was to open branch office. However, Anton Koerber failed at each assigned task."


    On a side note, dear Belbab, just want to say I hear your angst regarding comments at AGM, about the faithful older bros and sisters being written off as murmerers ... just like the unfaithful Israelites...complaining. Bloody cheek eh !!!..I'm sorry you went through that. I'm so very sorry I did too; and dear Johnson and millions of other humble, hardworking, gullable people. I'm sick about it.

    When will the GB ever be sorry? After all those years, tramping door to door, dragging sick & tired kids to all those meetings. Don't worry about buying a Home or saving for your old age or appropriately educating your children and making sure their teeth are cared for!!!!!

    I agree completely with the comment made that the society is so lucky that's all the over 60 are doing. Murmering my butt! They ARE so lucky they don't (as yet) have a class action lawsuit against them for all the damage their LIES have caused! Oh, was I yelling......whoops.


  • WTWizard

    Unfortunately, people are going to bear it. As much as I would like to see the Washtowel Slaveholdery ruined, there are going to be just enough people that think this is all part of the tests and trials that they need to endure. They lack fun now, no more goodie nights, Kingdumb maladies that sound like dying cats when suhg correctly, waste of paper distribution campaigns every 3 months, and the drive to pio-sneer are things they need to endure because "the new system is at hand". They also endure stupid changes like stringing generations like Christmas lights, along with returning to previous teachings because the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger wants the witlesses to go by and teach the bad doctrines until the leaders themselves change them.

    So, you have a bunch of people that think that, unless they are suffering hardships, they are not doing enough. Quite a few do leave, usually the better members. It's the scumbags that molest (and sometimes even eat) children and impose their conscience on others that are mostly left, along with those who simply are too lazy to do any of their own thinking. Such people are not an asset to the religion, and usually do not contribute much to the maintenance of the religion.

    In the future, if that trend continues, I expect to see more internal problems. Kingdumb Hells will be built so sloppily that they will not be functional. You will be seeing people in no position to help others being the only ones allowed to do so, usually insisting on what did not work before as the "solution". Donations will continue declining--not because of Zero Dollar Bills but because the witlesses simply have less to donate. And, you will see more and more news embarrassments. Pedophiles will become more common, and more brazen as they molest children at doors where someone is interested. You will hear of more serious crimes committed by witlesses--including murder. And, something tells me that, if the trends of keeping the scum and losing the good members continues, it will not be long before we hear of another case where a witless eats a baby.

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