When I look back, I can do so with rose coloured spectacles, but, in truth, I do not like the Cult member I was.
O.K , in mitigation I was one of the most liberal JW's in a very liberal congregation, I never did the 100% shunning bit, I found nice seats (not at the very back, and next to their family if poss.) for the DF'd ones after giving them a proper welcome to the K.H for example.
But I still see clearly that my thinking was twisted by those mind controlling bastards who run, and write for ,the WTB$
I did not trust anybody worldly to any great degree, I believed the "system" would end one day and so I didn't have to contribute anything to it,.
I could go on, but basically I hate all those things about me that were from the Cult.
How about you ? as you look back on what you were do you cringe ? are you a much better person now ?