How the Nazis helped me talk to my daughter

by Aussie Oz 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I have not posted stuff about my kids lately as i feel that one day, should they find this site, they may read about themselves... perhaps not good.

    But, i have done so in the past so i will continue...

    There has been a lot going on with my son with party behoviour and girls etc that has got him in hot water...anyone genuinely interested perhaps best PM me, as i dont want to post that sort of stuff about them now.

    Anyway, the Nazis!

    Daughter has been learning at school and telling me about the Nazis. In talking to her, i asked how was she learning this stuff... from history books. I reasoned with her that what may she have got about them has she only read Adolf's book and books by his supporters? She answered, only their side of the story. So i asked how is it you are learning the bad things then? who's books are they? She responded the people that did not like him, the ones that wrote about the crimes. I asked what if you had a certain sort of mind and only read his books? She answered then, you might believe him. Why is that i asked? Because he or his supporters would only write down the things they wanted you to know she replied.

    so... do you think you can trust any written history of say, another country or religion? No, because they might only write down the good things or leave stuff out. So how will you find the stuff left out? The Internet. (loved that answer!) she added you would have to read the history as seen by those who dont like them.

    I asked then, what she knew of the witnesses history. Very little (no surprise here) So added that in order to see the whole history you would have to look beyond their own writings then? Yes she replied. I said then, that might mean those who dont like them or who even used to be one then? Yes.

    And what would you do if you read things that didnt sound right? You would have to research to find out for sure if it was true or not.

    This is by no means a word for word transcript but i does give the gist of the conversation, that lead to talking about disfellowshipping, shunning, baptism, and a number of things i have forgotten including the need to investigate her own religion as well as those of others. Lots and lots of me asking questions to make her find answers. Perhaps the best thing is that i do have their permission to be talking about the witnesses with them, and they do know that i do not think they are the true religion. One good thing is that she knows that if she got baptised now, she cant just change her mind at 20 without some serious consequences.

    On an end note, it really annoys me, but does not surprise me, how little the JW teens know about their own religion, and how subversive i feel trying to get them to a point where they will actualy question and LOOK.


  • wobble

    Well done Oz !

    a great analogy, I shall use it in the future, it is especially apt as the WT and the Nazis have a lot in common !

    It is not just JW teens who know little about their religion, the older ones know little about the history and past teachings, and most do not even know some current teachings, such as Jesus not being their Mediator etc.

    Well done again, calm simple reasoning like you have done should really help your kids.

  • Farkel

    Aussie Oz,

    Randy Watters has a great article on his that is along a different line, but its idea is very similar to your approach. His thesis is one can make the most progress with the Cult mind-set by getting a person to think about and agree with tactics used by other cults which are identical to those used by the Watchtower cult. When using this approach, you never make any direct comparisons, you let the other person make them. If they can't make them, they aren't ready yet. If they DO make them, it was their mind who saw the parallels, and not you directly making them. it is easy for a dub to see cult tactics in other religions, but often not so easy for them to see the same tactics used in their own religion.

    You may remember this thread (you commented on it) I started almost a year go, which used the same tactics on dubs who paid a visit on a householder. It's the same idea. I also really suggest you read Randy's article, too. It's very valuable.

    Here's the link to Randy's article:


  • GrandmaJones

    Great argument and reasoning. I think you'll get somewhere with her. You've got her thinking.

  • GrandmaJones

    I just read the two links that Farkel provided. Excellent advice on reaching family members (and family members are the place to start, after all, you don't want to be labeled an "apostate" until you have them all out). I intend to keep this in mind, and I will modify my approach a little bit more towards the mind control aspect. It's hard not to tell or say too much, isn't it?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Thankyou guys, and for the links!

    Yes, it's all about getting THEM to draw the conclusions...



  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Well done Oz

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