*** jv chap. 8 p. 104 Declaring the Good News Without Letup (1942-1975) ***
"Say, What Does This 1975 Mean?"
The Witnesses had long shared the belief that the Thousand Year Reign of Christ would follow after 6,000 years of human history. But when would 6,000 years of human existence end? The book Life Everlasting-In Freedom of the Sons of God, released at a series of district conventions held in 1966, pointed to 1975. Right at the convention, as the brothers examined the contents, the new book triggered much discussion about 1975.
At the convention held in Baltimore, Maryland, F. W. Franz gave the concluding talk. He began by saying: "Just before I got on the platform a young man came to me and said, ‘Say, what does this 1975 mean?'" Brother Franz then referred to the many questions that had arisen as to whether the material in the new book meant that by 1975 Armageddon would be finished, and Satan would be bound. He stated, in essence: ‘It could. But we are not saying. All things are possible with God. But we are not saying. And don't any of you be specific in saying anything that is going to happen between now and 1975. But the big point of it all is this, dear friends: Time is short. Time is running out, no question about that.'
In the years following 1966, many of Jehovah's Witnesses acted in harmony with the spirit of that counsel. However, other statements were published on this subject, and some were likely more definite than advisable. This was acknowledged in The Watchtower of March 15, 1980 (page 17). But Jehovah's Witnesses were also cautioned to concentrate mainly on doing Jehovah's will and not to be swept up by dates and expectations of an early salvation.
instead of posting on the 1975 everlasting life thread
by booby 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
I heard that talk from Fred Franz. He DID use those words "We are not telling" however he used it as a joke. He said it in a sing song voice like "We know...but we're not telling YOU."
In face, when he said it, everyone LAUGHED! They sure didn't include that little tid bit in the proclaimers book.
some were likely more definite than advisable
Their use of the word "likely" doesn't seem to make sense in this paragraph... Were they more definite than advisable or not?
<< Jehovah's Witnesses were also cautioned to concentrate mainly on doing Jehovah's will and not to be swept up by dates and expectations of an early salvation. >>
Written 41 years ago: Kingdom Ministry, June 1969, p. 3:
"In view of the short time left, a decision to pursue a career in this old system of things is not only unwise but extremely dangerous."
Written 36 years ago: Kingdom Ministry, May 1974, p. 3:
"Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly, this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end."
Certainly, this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end."
So they were agreeing with what actions Brothers asnd Sisters were taking!
They could have put a caution in here; BUT they didn't, they were sure of 1975!
I was in the Org. and have the KM,s with this in.
Many families gave up everything to pioneer etc. and they were encouraged to do so.
I include this next bit for the benefit of some like Debator et al who look at the letter of what was printed and conclude and argue the issue of whether or not the society said 1975 was it. And while I can acknowledge it is difficult to find the definitive quote to prove they did I can assure that by innuendo they did indeed convey that those were the last days of this system - I was there.
I actually came across the info in the intro of this thread looking up the book THE TRUTH THAT LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE
And why I was looking up that book is because I remember how the message in that book about the "six month study program" affected me. And this was in 1968. How it affected me could probably be expressed using the word mesmerized. I can remember where I was sitting and listening to this info because while not coming out and saying it necessarily in so many words the clear inference was that the time was so short that we could not dilly dally with bible studies who would not commit and act on what we were teaching them. This is how it was expressed:
This new publication was to be used in connection with a six-month Bible study program. The September 1968 issue of the KingdomMinistry explained how the new program would work: "It would be good to try to study awholechapterofthe'Truth'bookeachweek, though this may not be possible with all householders or with all the chapters in the book. . . . If, at the end of six months of intensive study and conscientious efforts to get them to meetings, they are not yet associating with the congregation, then it may be best to use your time to study with someone else who really wants to learn the truth and make progress. Make it your goal to present the good news on Bible studies in such a way that interested ones will act within six months!"
<< If, at the end of six months of intensive study and conscientious efforts to get them to meetings, they are not yet associating with the congregation, then it may be best to use your time to study with someone else who really wants to learn the truth and make progress. Make it your goal to present the good news on Bible studies in such a way that interested ones will act within six months!" >>
In practice, the closer 1975 came, they wanted even more than a study "associating with the congregation." If a study wasn't ready to get BAPTIZED at the end of the 6 months, they figured it was too late for them and moved on to someone else.