I Think Evolution Is True. Internet Is A Prod...

by D wiltshire 3 Replies latest social relationships

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    I'm a christian that has struggled with the Theory of Evolution.
    At this point in my search I feel Evolution is True.

    There are many variations of the threory, I currently beleive God caused it, in his infinite wisdom,.. and that the Bible really does not teach against it,.. but many who have their own interpitation of the Bible do.

    I have seen many fine comments by members(Jan, Alan, and Abaddon) of this discussion board that have given me reason to beleive evolution is the way God created life we see today.(All though they personally beleive another variation).

    Here is the complete Theme(title) of this thread:
    I Think Evolution Is True. And the internet is a product of evolution of mans mind and as such will profondly effect his mental capasity in the evolution of the mind.

    The fact that new acheivements in the arts is often seen before acheivements in the scientific world indicates to me evolution is still in progress and mens minds will continue to become more and more able to deal with very complex Ideas.

    I think each generation will see this to be true as it has been in the past.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • Carmel

    Hey D,

    Did it ever make you wonder why each of the major civilization advances can be traced back to the effect of one individual? Really! Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, Zoroastrian, Christian, Jewish, they all originated from the teachings of an individual that profoundly effected the social dynamic. Curious, huh? Wonder what's behind the most recent efflorescence of human development....some kind of evolution that transcends biology???


  • Skeptic

    I think it is perfectly reasonable for people who believe in God to believe that God used evolution to make man.

    I don't see where a metaphorical interpretation of Genesis contradicts evolution. One poster here believes that Gensis actually supports evolution.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Did it ever make you wonder why each of the major civilization advances can be traced back to the effect of one individual? Really!
    No I never did wonder about that but since you mentioned it I will.


    I don't see where a metaphorical interpretation of Genesis contradicts evolution. One poster here believes that Gensis actually supports evolution.
    Yes, I learned a lot from aChristian.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?

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