Selters Germany Printery size?

by factfinder 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • factfinder

    I'm trying to find out the square footage of the Selters printery which is the next largest after Wallkill. Does anyone have any info on this?

    And how many books are being produced there each year now? Wallkill produced over 28 million in 2008 and I'm guessing the Germany branch must be producing somewhere near that amount because they produce books for all of Europe except the UK.

    Does anyone have information on this? Thanks!!!

  • factfinder

    I guess no one has this information. Years ago I wrote to the branch office in germany for the information. They ignored me. The USA branch won't answer my questions either.

    There must be someplace on the web where this info can be found. Does anyone have any ideas? thanks.

  • fokyc

    Check it out for yourself,

    here is a Panorama of The German Branch etc. in Niederselters, 65618 Selters (Taunus), Germany:

    I think you will agree, it's BIG!

  • factfinder

    Hi fokyc!

    thank you very much for the link! The printery is very large, although I cannot tell it's square footage. The one in Wallkill which is the largest of the wt printeries has 600,000 sq. ft. Looks like the Germany one is at least 500,000 sq. ft.

    I appreciate your help fokyc!

    Is there anyplace where the actual square footage is mentioned?

  • fokyc

    No actual figures but:

    Watchtower 1985, January 1st p. 27 Kingdom Increase Worldwide

    "...Selters, Germany, dedicated the second-largest branch complex in the world..."

  • factfinder

    Thanks fokyc!

  • Scott77


    I hope you find an insider in that huge building complex to help you with information. Another way, may be is to seek information directly from the approving local authorities in the area assuming you live in German.


  • factfinder

    Hi Scott77 !

    Unfortunatly i do not know anyone at the German branch . I live in the USA- don't know how to find any records that provide that info.

    The WT has never published it for some strange reason. Years ago I wrote to the German branch for info but recieved no reply. The US branch would not answer my questions either. Strange, and frustrating!

    Thank you for your suggestion though!!!

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