Well, we have introduced once the PDF files (what we made) of the "Watchtower magazine" in this forum.
(That was the period when the WTS had not made those PDF files yet.)
And, a certain people have made many PDF files, such as the "KIT", etc.
(The WTS is not yet making those PDF files.)
They were the work over many years.
But there was no complaint from the WTS until now.
But, they/WTS say a "complaint" now.
Probably that is the first event in this forum.
So, Lady Lee who corresponded generously/tolerantly to the WTS's copyright, but severe/strict to the CoC's copyright, began to show a different reaction.http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/184144/6/the-Watchtower-December-15-2009-PDF
By the way, this Watch Tower society's action may be teaching the "importance" of that book.
What do you think?
The representatives of the Watch Tower society who is looking this forum may reply to this question.