Ran across this site that has some interesting JW stats: http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/statistics.php
by JimiH 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
Ran across this site that has some interesting JW stats: http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/statistics.php
great site, information on a lot of things
Welcome JimiH! Yes, that is a great site.
JimiH... welcome to JWN! I use Paul's site all the time. It is truly an excellent reference. Send everyone you know there. Have you also seen the Freeminds site?:
And Steven Hassan's site:
Welcome Jimi.....and you have a great taste in music
Good site!
Welcome JimiH!
Welcome jimih. You are talking to the converted here - jwfacts is an awesome site.
It seems that a lot of people make a common mistake when analizing JW statistics:
You can not compare the number baptized with the publisher figure to determine how many became inactive or fell away. The number for baptisms is already INCLUDED in the publisher figure. For example:
2009 Report
Peak publishers=7,313,173
Total number baptized= 276,233
The ones baptized during the 2009 SY are already counted as publishers. You cannot be baptized until you have been a regular publisher already reporting your FS. About 25% of all publishers may not be baptized but they turn in FS reports and are counted in the Peak Publishers and Average publishers figures.
So the baptism figure for each year simply means of all those publishers reporting during that year this number got baptized during the year (SY).
You cannot add or subtract the baptism figures from the publisher figures because they are already part of the publisher figures.
You can subtract one years peak publishers ( Or average publishers) from that of a previous year to see if there is an increase or a decrease.
welcome Jimih!