Sorry VM44. The sister was actually typesetting for the KM. This was at the branch in Toronto, Canada. But I am sure they are used for many tasks similar in nature. I think protocol probably goes something like this. Try your durndest to use brothers for any tasks that involve the "meaty" stuff. But since brothers will usually feel such tasks as typing to be under them and demeaning you will likely have to give in and use Sisters. Sisters by the way are simply women, who are the lower form of brothers, within the hierarchy. The hierarchy is at present thusly: Governing Body with capitals, jehovah, jesus, elders of various sorts, regular ordinary brothers (probably not even reaching out) and sisters. The situation I believe is similar in writing. The biggest part of writing an article in the watchtower is research. Research is time consuming and often times a tad heavy slogging I am sure. Much better suited to a sister than a brother, one of the ones at the elder level, you know.