At this past week's service meeting, our congregation reviewed the part "Keep Seeking The Kingdom First" in the January KM.
The elder handling the part decided to include the admonition not to work overtime and risk missing a meeting, even if you need the money. One drone in the audience even stated that working OT when we need it could lead us into becoming more and more materialistic. Well, when it comes time to take Friday off to attend the District Convention, I wonder if these same jws who refuse to work OT will get a favorable response from their employer when they request that Friday off. Also, if a person really needs the money, they are encouraged to seek "divine support" to meet their material needs. However, the Organization, or the local congregation for that matter, has no provision for helping such persons out of a financial bind. It is only the generousity of individuals that comes to the aid of such persons. I have a relative whose husband passed away some time ago. They spent their best years pioneering 'where the need was greater'.
Now, she is struggling to make ends meet because they had little in the way of savings, and she gets by only on a small pension that he earned while working for a few years before his health declined. There is no provision for assistance to her or the many jws like her who are in a similar situation.
The part also included a story of a sister who gave up her business because it was an "obstacle" to serving God fully; making the typical JW business owner perhaps feel a bit guilty for having the audacity to own a business. This story, btw, is one I recall reading in a WT several years ago; recycled no doubt because, let's face it, there are not many jws quitting business these days to pioneer.
I guess I am just unloading here. Lord knows I can't do it at the KH or with any jws. Thanks!