Don't work overtime

by DB 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • DB

    At this past week's service meeting, our congregation reviewed the part "Keep Seeking The Kingdom First" in the January KM.

    The elder handling the part decided to include the admonition not to work overtime and risk missing a meeting, even if you need the money. One drone in the audience even stated that working OT when we need it could lead us into becoming more and more materialistic. Well, when it comes time to take Friday off to attend the District Convention, I wonder if these same jws who refuse to work OT will get a favorable response from their employer when they request that Friday off. Also, if a person really needs the money, they are encouraged to seek "divine support" to meet their material needs. However, the Organization, or the local congregation for that matter, has no provision for helping such persons out of a financial bind. It is only the generousity of individuals that comes to the aid of such persons. I have a relative whose husband passed away some time ago. They spent their best years pioneering 'where the need was greater'.
    Now, she is struggling to make ends meet because they had little in the way of savings, and she gets by only on a small pension that he earned while working for a few years before his health declined. There is no provision for assistance to her or the many jws like her who are in a similar situation.

    The part also included a story of a sister who gave up her business because it was an "obstacle" to serving God fully; making the typical JW business owner perhaps feel a bit guilty for having the audacity to own a business. This story, btw, is one I recall reading in a WT several years ago; recycled no doubt because, let's face it, there are not many jws quitting business these days to pioneer.

    I guess I am just unloading here. Lord knows I can't do it at the KH or with any jws. Thanks!

  • openminded

    DB, Okay this is simply publishing empire with over $900 million in revenue competing for its employee's time. No different than my boss(or any other employer) who at times needs me to help him out on a Saturday. The only difference is that my boss is straight forward with what he wants from me and why and I get paid x-tra for my time. The WT Corp on the other hand uses guilt and God(as a CEO) to get its work done. And the amazing thing is that people actually beleive that an omnipotent creator of the universe needs their help! -OM

  • freeman

    Hey DB,
    Good post. It reminds me of my situation some years back. Years ago I had a really good consulting job that paid more money then I ever made in my life. Anyway, I had to travel quite a bit and I missed a few meetings. Well, I got a talk’n to by the Elders. I explained to them that I was 3 months into this job and it would end in just another month. Not good enough, the Elders said I had to make a choice between the meetings or my work.

    So after careful reflection I concluded they were in fact right, I really did need to get my priorities in order. That was in 1987 and you know, every now and then I do miss the meetings, but that passes quickly and I come to my senses. I sure hope anyone reading this will weigh all the costs; meetings or providing for your family. Think carefully, pray on the matter, consider all options……THEN DUMP THE MEETINGS!!!


  • out4good3

    What I've seen happen time and time again is that after the WT have used them up, when they're most in need they're pawned off to the Df'd, Da'd, never a JW part of their family, this of course after having a change of heart after all the shunning they gave them earlier.

    You know the "old men in Brooklyn" want to do all they can to keep that free labor from being sidetracked.

  • Scully

    I totally agree that statements like these are a reflection of the WTS competing for your time and resources. The numbers are just rolling in from the UN scandal that broke in October 2001, and I bet they're getting antsy about statistics.

    I guess the elders assume that if you are getting paid a salary, any overtime you put in is going to be returned to you as an extra vacation day. In some jobs, like mine, it isn't. If I work two extra weekend shifts, it's the equivalent in pay to what a whole two week pay cheque would be.

    Before we quit going to meetings all together, I used to think of how I would handle this kind of objection to overtime from elders. These were a few of my favorites:

    If you'd rather I didn't make an extra donation this month, I won't.

    I'm taking care of my retirement planning this way. Oh that's right, you never did that, did you?

    My kids need a good education and this is helping to finance it.

    We decided to attend the district assembly in Mexico this year and this will cover our expenses.

    If I'm going to pioneer when I retire, then I have to put some retirement savings away, don't I?

    Well, I suppose the Jehovah will understand if I don't put anything in the contribution box...

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person
    to expose a certain religion as being false.
    - WT 11/15/63

    A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. -WT 12/1/91

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Right on, DB.

    After having read the following quote in last September's Kingdom Ministry, I posted this, under the title ``the Society Sancifies Fiscal Irresponsibility. They make a virtue out of underachievement and doom too many of their number to a life of indigence, subsistence living and slavery to poor-paying menial jobs:

    ``Because the world scene is always changing, a family head may be inclined to spend an excessive amount of time on the job, with a view to building up his financial reserves for unforeseen crises.''

    Just mind-boggling. Do they seriously endorse living from paycheck to paycheck as spiritually meritorious, a responsible mode of living for heads of families with mortgage/rent payments, child support, health insurance, car payments, utility bills, a food budget, etc. etc.?

    All this after they ``stack the deck'' against self-sufficiency and independence for the average JW famnily head by discouraging university education or other forms of specialized education so vital in today's complex economy.

    That's why so many, even while professing loyalty and submission to the FDS quietly come to terms on their own. No wonder why so many others, who naively and conscientiously follow this warped advice to the letter find themselves stresed out, in deep doo-doo financially and hoping against hope that an early Armageddon with rescue them from indigence.

    And you still think they have your best interests at heart?

  • Delite75

    Yeah, I've heard that before!

    As a single parent, it was a struggle raising children when the absent parent REFUSED to do his part. However, we made it! It wasn't that I was gotten on about the overtime, I was gotten on about having a full time job. Could you believe those idiot sisters wanted me to quit a FULLTIME job with benefits as an administrative assistant, and get a job cleaning homes part time and pioneering?

    "Oh, you could qualify for welfare benefits!" EXCUSE me! That angered me. The reason? They felt that I was "too much into the corporate world" with my job.

    They would talk about how THEY did it and when I said I'm NOT going to quit a job to go on welfare, that comment was NOT met favorably. Gosh, they were encouraging an able bodied person to be on welfare!

    To supplement my income, I took on a second job and told them to mind their business! One of the elders got on me and I told him to mind his business also. I wasn't out committing a sin, so what's the problem?

  • DB

    All of your replies here were helpful and thought-provoking, thanks!

    Delite, it's unbelievable (and yet so true I am sure) what they wanted you to do, quitting a job that could provide for you and your kids as a single mom. And btw, welcome to the board!

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