do any of you have jw family that do not visit you but make up excuses ?

by looloo 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • looloo

    do they give various reasons why they cant ie you live too far away, but visit jw family who live a lot further away . and even try top blame you for the lack of contact ! but they never say its the society that dont allow us to visit you ! if they believe its the truth and a valid reason not to visit children and granchildren why dont they" shout it from the rooftops " and stop saying things like "oh we cant visit you because you dont live on the way to anyone we visit " !!!!!! my husband is disfellowshipped and so is his sister and their parents havnt bothered for ages ! wish people would just say " we would love to visit but we must obey orders !"

  • lisavegas420

    A few years ago, my parents attended the assembly...with in 10 minutes of my house. No call, no visit.


  • moshe

    If the WT Society ever drops their "shunning" dogma, the JWs will have a hard time fixing the broken family ties. Do they expect to just show up on your doorstep and say, "We're back!" "Where are the grandkids? and "give us a big hug".

    No it will be very hard for the JWs, because they will have to say, "We're sorry, we were wrong to to treat you that way- the WT made us do it". I don't see many JWs eating humble pie.

  • designs

    Oh yea and its kind of nice actually

  • 1Robinella

    No. But only my mom is a JW and if it wasn't for her two "worldly" daughters taking care of her she'd be all alone. Hummm I wonder if she's using us?

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