Did your family decorate for the Seasons?

by AwSnap 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • AwSnap

    I don't ever remember my family buying a "fall" wreath, or a snowman soap dispenser. The more I think about it, the more I realize just how

    bland my jw-life was. Did other jw's buy decorations for the seasons? I just can't remember if it was only my family, or if it was a jw thing.

  • WTWizard

    I never saw it anywhere I went. Most witless families are oblivious to the seasons, aside from the changing heat and precipitation. I never saw anyone putting out decorations for fall (pumpkins, fall foliage, and the like), winter (snow, pine cones, and other things that remind one of winter), or spring (pastel colors). They are too afraid that these stand for Halloween, Christmas, and Easter anyways.

  • mamalove

    No nothing like that at all. Just flowers in the summertime. When I got married and was still a Jdub, I would put fall stuff out, and pumpkins on the porch. I did get yelled at because of that but I left them up. Also, I had a white house at the time, and did navy blue shutters and a cranberry door and I got yelled at for having patriotic colors...whateva.

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    No my mom never did anything seasonal. Too much like the worldly people.

    But it seems like my generation did start to put stuff up that was seasonal once we got married or moved out. My SIL got counseled for her snowman wreath having on a stocking cap that was too much like Santa's...although I think it was a blue cap! Ugh.

  • nelly136


  • exwhyzee

    Nope... in fact my Mom (big on decorating) took down things that might be thought of as holiday related.

    Last winter just before Christmas, (evil monster that I am) I wove tiny white lights into the spiral cut Topiary we have, planted in an Earn on our front porch. I put a timer on it so they will come on at dusk and off in the morning. We have a Palladian Window in the living room and I put a wrought iron candelabra with 5 tower candles up in the arch. My wife who wasn't quite out yet wondered what the former friends would think if they drove by the house. Pffft I could care less so long as it made the dark winter seem a little less dreary. I left it like that all summer too.

    This year I'm thinking I might install a few strings of white lights along the eaves and different features of the house.

    I guess I'm making up for lost time.

  • AwSnap

    But it seems like my generation did start to put stuff up that was seasonal once we got married or moved out.

    Please define "generation", Kitten Whiskers. Generation, the jw definition? Or Generation, the REAL definition.... ? Lmao

    It just popped into my mind the other day when I was in the "autumn" isle at Walmart. I had a little bit of anxiety, and I wondered where that was coming from. I think I know now

  • Heaven

    I was pretty lucky when I was little, as the cult hadn't taken hold of the family yet so we still got to celebrate Valentine's Day, Easter, birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Up until I was 8, we used to go trick or treating. Then some wack job in the neighbourhood started poisoning and sticking pins in the candy so Mom said no more trick or treating -- she would just give us a bag of candy. I was cool with that!

    Mom used to decorate for Christmas. But she became allergic to the trees so she went with a treasure hunt for us. It was quite fun, actually! Once we grew up and moved out, our parents decided to become baptized JWs. That's when things started really dropping off from a holiday celebration perspective. So me and my bro kept up with Christmas. Thanksgiving was ok still for some reason. As for birthdays, well, they were still kinda happening.

    A lot of my family is gone now so holiday celebrations are a bit meagre. Oh well, I am going to the movies this evening.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    No nothing like that at all. Just flowers in the summertime. When I got married and was still a Jdub, I would put fall stuff out, and pumpkins on the porch. I did get yelled at because of that but I left them up. Also, I had a white house at the time, and did navy blue shutters and a cranberry door and I got yelled at for having patriotic colors...whateva.

    I thought fall decorations would be pretty & fine. Something like a bale of straw, pumpkins, scarecrow, fall leaves wreath on the door. I ask an elder about it and you can guess what the answer was. I didn't see anything wrong with it, but you know what happens if you go by your conscience in the WTS organization. Now that I'm out everything is way over the top.

    Think About It

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