Who did Jehovah send as his representative?

by wannabe 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wannabe

    Who did Jehovah send as his representative?

    Is there anyone today, who can make a legitimate claim to being followers of the Truth? Most of the Main-Line religions of this World all vie for special appointments, and will tell us that they are Jehovah's representative Organization. One in particular, are the Pope's, who claim to be the Vicar, or representative of the Christ. One other, just to mention only two, because there are so many, are the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Who claim to be 'God's Visible Spirit Directed Organization.' Can they both, at one and the same time be correct, or are they totally missing the point as to just whom God's representative really is? One would suppose, that the Bible would have quite a bit to say about that, wouldn't you think? What did the one, who would really know who was God's representative have to tell us himself about this matter, for I feel if anyone would know the answer to that, he most certainly would. Just who did he say came out as God's representative?

    Jesus very pointedly told Thomas: "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, No one comes to the Father, but through me." {John 14:6} The Apostle John was one of the true anointed class, but did he, as the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses does, tell us that, he was, the 'way of the truth,' that association with him would gain one entrance to the Father? I didn't read that in there, does anyone else? Further, Jesus clearly told us, "No one can come to me unless the Father, who sent me draw him, and I will raise him up on the last day." {John 6:44}

    Did Jesus say, draw him to any of the anointed class? I didn't read that in there either, does anyone else? Now the question is, why only to Jesus, must one be drawn? Paul will answer that: "For there is One God, and ONE MEDIATOR between Men and God, The Man, Christ Jesus." {1 Timothy 3:5} Did Paul, as one of the true anointed class, tell anyone that he was the One Mediator between Men and God? Even more, Paul has told us: "For Jesus has not entered into a Holies made by hands, a mere copy of the true, but into heaven itself, to appear now before the Face of God on our behalf... "And so he is able now and always to save those who come to God through him, because he lives forever to plead with God for them." {Hebrews 9:24;7:25}

    Now other questions arise: Can the Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses, the Pope's, or any of the Main-Line Religious Leaders, for that matter, enter into heaven itself to appear before the Face of God for us? Are any of them alive forever to plead with God for us? As the one Mediator the Christ, can? Of course, the answers to those questions, are absolutely not; the very idea, is at best, ludicrous.

    Consider too, the words of Matthew, another of the true anointed class, and what he had to say about the position of Jesus, and what he himself {Jesus} had told us: "You must not be called Teacher, because you are all equal and have only one Teacher. And you must not call anyone here on earth Father, because you have only the one Father in heaven. Nor should you be called Leader because your one and only leader is the Messiah. The greatest one among you must be your servant. Whoever makes himself great will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be made great." {Matthew 23:8-10}

    The Apostle Peter, in his next words, shows us all exactly how, the one leader, and one teacher is able to carry on with his teaching, not only in the first Century, but even more important today. Note the words of Peter now: "He has been raised to the right side of God, his Father, and has received from him the Holy Spirit, as he had promised. What you now see and hear is his gift that he has poured out on us." {Acts 2:33} {GNB}

    Can any Religious Leader, I don't care who you name, make claim to being at the right hand of God in control of the Holy Spirit, able to employ said Spirit as a Teaching instrument? The answer to that, also, has to be a resounding, NO! They definitely cannot! But there's even more to consider than that, as the Apostle John, penning the words of Jesus, will next show: "If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another helper, who will stay with you forever. He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God. The World cannot receive him, because it cannot see him, or know him. But you know him, because he remains with you and is in you." {John 14:15-17} {GNB}

    One other question now! Can any of the Pope's, Main-Line Religious Leaders, or the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, ask the Father to give this helper, the Holy Spirit to anyone, so that it will 'remain with them and be in them?' Notice next how John explains just how the Spirit remains with them and is in them: "But as for you, Christ has poured out his Spirit on you. As long as his Spirit remains in you, you do not need anyone to teach you. For his Spirit teaches you about everything, and what he teaches is true, not false. Obey the Spirits teaching, then, and remain in union with Christ." {1 John 2:27}

    Another very interesting question surfaces here, and that is, can any of the Pope's, Main-Line Religious Leaders, or the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, pour out the Spirit, so that it remains with us and is in us? So that we do not need anyone to teach us one single word about the Bible? Can they teach us everything, even cause us to remember all that we have been taught? {John 14:26} lead us into 'all truth,' even that, 'which is to come?' {John 16:13} Right down to coming to know, even the 'deep things of God?' {2 corinthians 2:10}

    I have shown with this writing, that it is virtually impossible for any Religious Leader on this earth today, to fill the positions now occupied by the Christ. These positions could be filled, only by the One Mediator between Men and God, the Man Christ Jesus. The only way of approach to the Father. The only one who was the Way of the Truth of the Bible; and he said so himself: "Everything I have heard from my Father, I have made known to you." "What I teach is not my own teaching, but it comes from God who SENT ME." {John 7:16;15:15}

    So, the only way one could be found walking in the way of the truth, would be to receive the teachings, Jesus had heard from his Father, exactly the same way, as the early Christian's did. From the one Jehovah had sent in the first Century. ... "It comes from God, who SENT ME!"

    So, it becomes obvious, Jehovah did not send the Pope's, nor any of the Main-Line Religious Leaders, not even the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is as Jesus told us it is; 'he sent me,' the Son of God, our lord, Jesus Christ. Wannabe

  • GrandmaJones

    Points well taken. Thanks for the post!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Billy Mays

    So, it becomes obvious...

    Well it's in the bible so it must be true. Proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, to anyone who wants to believe this is the case.

  • PSacramento

    If I recall, the Pope and the GB claim to be Christ's representatives not directly God's representatives.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    What religion(s) on Earth today claim to have revelation from God, just as it was given in ancient days? The problem with the Jehovah's Witnesses is that they weren't commissioned, but were self-commissioned and self sent. Thus they are a manmade religion. They go forth into the world and claim to have the authority of God, but when asked about it, they fall silent.

    They attack "false religion," yet they qualify as one in that they were never called, ordained and sent into the world.

    I see ads on the Internet where you can get a ministerial certificate for $25-$50. You can even frame them and put them on the wall. The WTS cannot be seen as anything other than a publishing company. Aren't members even called "publishers"? Amos 3:7 says God will do nothing save he reveal it unto his servants the prophets. Thus, a church must be commissioned and have prophets to be legitimate.

    The only mediator between God and Man is Jesus Christ, also known as Jehovah. After Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit, Jehovah became the mediator and will serve as such until the end of the Millennium, when he will present the Earth, redeemed and glorified, back to the Father. The Witnesses mistook Jehovah as the Father, even though Jehovah takes the same name titles as the Son in the Old Testament. Jehovah also will come to judge the nations, yet John 5:22 says that the Father judges no man, but has committed ALL JUDGEMENT unto the Son. In Zechariah, Jehovah says, "And they (the Jews) shall look upon me whom they have pierced."

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