I've been thinking about things to say to people lately, since I finished Releasing the Bonds. One thing I've been rolling around in my skull is the idea that it isn't necessarily a bad thing to trigger the cult personality, IF you plan to leave it at that for the moment. Yes, the cult personality is trained to block out any rational criticism of the cult and to demonize anyone who brings up that criticism. However, everything the cult personality hears the authentic personality hears, too, and everything stored in the mind of the individual is accessible to both the cult personality and the authentic personality in the future. Also, even though what you say may trigger the cult personality, you are also creating cognitive dissonance which is felt by the authentic personality.
So, if you're looking to release someone's bonds in the long run I submit that while it is important to bring out the authentic personality when you can, to give it needed interaction and love and information, saying things that trigger the cult personality's defense mechanisms can be useful as a seed-planting mechanism that can add to the pile of rationalization and cognitive dissonance within them, and eventually the weight of it all may bear fruit.
The big downside is that once you have revealed yourself as a critic of the cult, you may be turned off (shunned) for good. So that may be something you have to reserve for your last word.