Captured Taliban Get U.S. Army Brand of Islam

by Valis 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    I was watching cartoons on CNN and they reported that the captured Taliban being held in Cuba have thier own Islamic Chaplain, provided by no less than the U.S. Army. Since they have a little time to reflect on being naughty boys, I was wondering if they grasp the great irony of themselves having to listen to a different brand of Islam, versus making others do so. Another perk apparently is they get the morning call for prayer over PA system. Kind of like if you could keep several elders, ms, COs and DOs in little boxes and make them listen to Crisis of Conscience on a loud speaker...

  • ThiChi

    I agree! Very good............

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

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