Just started attending a new congregation with my wife (very much a believer) and have noticed a lot of complacency. During the weekdays service meetings it is only pioneers and auxileries that show up. On weekends a typical service group that has 30 people assigned to it only has 6 show up. I went out with two car groups the other day, 8 people split inot 4 groups, in the four hours they handed out about 20 magazines and did not collect any ‘contributions’.
It seems like everyone is more concerned with their jobs or lack of work. A lot in the congregation are downsizing their living situations. Nobody wants to admit it is because they have lost their jobs and people who bought their houses six years ago are confused as to why they owe more on the house than it is worth. Some are buying a second house while they still have a job and good credit so that they can dump the overpriced one that they have now. We are even now collecting contributions to help with peoples rent.
All of the problems are showing up in marriages and meeting attendance. The ministry school is really suffering and two congregations have combined so that attendance looks normal. Most conversations with elders start out with ‘where are you working at?’.
What a glorious day!!!!