To those of you who've never used Google's free telephone directory assistance (1-800-GOOG-411) you may as well forget it. That service ends November 11 but another one had already been waiting in the wings. For me, Google's free directory assistance (1-800-GOOG-411) had been a great ride especially when on a road trip. It was like having an 18-wheeler stuffed with the yellow pages from every city in the U.S. tagging along. Wish to find a restaurant, motel, golf driving range, Home Depot, etc.? -- the friendly automated voice recognition robot took you by the hand, even dialing the number for you. Sure, my Garmin navigator had been fairly good with it's "points of interest" locator. However, it wasn't comprehensive by any means -- and, because I haven't updated my system in a few years, it hasn't been fresh with the latest "points". (after my first update, costing some $60, I realized they're really not as eager at keeping things current -- they still don't show our McDonald's here in Camden and it's been here for nearly 30 years.) Why am I sharing information about Google's dying service? Because I just discovered that Microsoft's equivalent BING 411 (1-800-246-4411) had been available but I didn't realize that until now. And after reading the following review it appears that I will put that number in my phone directory in place of the Google version. Check it out for yourself:,2817,2348147,00.asp Cheers, Len
Alternative to free directory assistance (Google 411) November 11
by FatFreek 2005 1 Replies latest social current
Thank you!! I reprogrammed my phone.