Just wondering.
Do JW's make people with Down's Syndrome go out in field slavery?
by Mad Dawg 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We had a boy in the 1960s congregation who had a severe case of Down's Syndrome. The parents sometimes took him along to the door, but he was not able to speak. I guess it was a form of babysitting while they went out.
He liked to comment at the WT study. He couldn't speak or understand it, but he had learned to imitate people rasing their hands, so he would do this too and grunt out something when he was called on. I always made it a point to call on him once or twice when I conducted the study.
Not too surprisingly, this kid never got the concept of disfellowshipping, and always greeted me (in his own way) when we saw each other in town. This embarrassed his mother and usually made her cry. I thought it was ironic that he was smarter than the JW loyal in this.
He died a few years back, ironically just a week after his father died. He was in his 40s.
I went to a KH and there was a young man who had downs, and he was brought in field service. I think that it probably depends on the severity and health of the child. :(
In my ex-congo in Romania we had a girl around 18 years old who had a mental retard. Probably Down syndrome, I don't know. She also had some facial features that betrayed her. She went in field service, accompanying others, but she was not the one to speak. Only accompanied. She did not answered on Sundays at the Wt study, but she could read and write gymnasium level. I don't think the BORG sent het into field slavery, but rather she chose to go. These people have emotional issues and are always struggling with their self-esteem. Field service gave her a sense of accomplisment and high dose of self-respect. I think field service was good for her.
The WTS allows high-functioning children get baptized. Don't have access to CD at work though. I don't see why not take their children with them. Some people still have prejudices in general regarding these children, unfounded. It's hard to find a babysitter.
The witlesses make anyone go out in field circus, regardless. How many do you hear pio-sneering from an iron lung? Or, that walk 20 miles through jungles and crocodile rivers just to get to one boasting session, yet they never miss one. Or, that waste $600 a boasting session on helicopter rental just to make the boasting sessions. Of course, merely having a mental retardation issue is not going to stop the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger from requiring them out in field circus.
We had a young boy in the congregation with Down's and he would go out on service with his father.
The Downs lad I knew even got baptised !!! Now that is whats sick. How in the hell could he think logically, when he is incapable of reasoning on even normal day to day things in life......
A young brother I knew suffered with Aspergers Syndrome pretty badly too and when he got involved in wrongdoing he was disfellowshipped. Totally screwed him up because he just couldnt understand. That was criminal... He has now got himself reinstated purely to stay in contact with family and for them to help him because he is incapable of looking after himself...
The girl I was speaking of is also a baptized JW.
Nathan Natas
Isn't it good luck to drag the disabled along in field circus?