I was reading about the Garden of Eden as follows...
Knowledge and Eternal Life Separate the Gods from Humanity
“The Garden of Eden story indicates that divinity consists of two primary elements: knowledge and immortality. Through an act of disobedience, human beings acquired the former, but they could not be allowed to attain the latter, lest they become like God. Similarly, the alewife (in Gilgamesh) observes that the gods are jealous of their own supremacy. The boundary between the human and the divine may not be traversed, and immortality must remain the sole province of the gods….
anyway, I realised there were actually two trees in the Garden of Eden, I began to think, if I were some omnipotent mad scientist creating universes, I would probably speculate and propose theories about what would be the product of the universe. Would a universe appear that out of itself came creatures which could become not only self aware, but aware of the universe in which it lives (Knowledge) or could it even become master of his own mortality (Life)...
It's just a thought... carry on...