The Basis for Some of Your Beliefs. Great video by ex-JW (CircuitOverseer)
by whereami 6 Replies latest jw friends
Crisis of Conscience
I enjoyed watching these videos. Interesting points. Thanks!
Good stuff ! I love the tone, not strident or hectoring, and I love the humour too, very well done.
Thanks for posting, whereami.
Joey Jo-Jo
I find it a bit bias and shallow vid 1, sorry not my thing. natural selection? yeah like the animal kingdom does not live in perfect balance, instinction? isn't that man's fault? In vid 1 your not really attacking JW's but everyone that believes in creation. The puddle thing (big bang) is just like saying that two cars collide, explode and fuse together into a ferrari enzo.
Enjoyed vid 2
And I think the speaker misses the point in vid 3, the purpose people see is something more meaningful than family pets and material wealth, why are we here? do we have a purpose? what comes after life? enjoyed the rest of it.
yeah like the animal kingdom does not live in perfect balance, instinction? isn't that man's fault?
Animals started going extinct long before man was on the scene. Various theories for the reasons exist, but it is a fact that mass extinctions came about several times before man's interference.
I liked the vids.
Pretty good videos. The 'arguments' the society uses in its creationist brochures have some intuitive appeal. A random person on the street may find them convincing on their face, but only a little critical reflection will show how bad they are. Kudos to the maker of the videos for bringing these Societies offences to logic and evidence to light.