Happy Friday everyone!!
So in the course of working on a writing project I was doing some research last night on ye ol WTBS library (which no joke I have placed on my computer in a folder called "Barf") and lo and behold, after getting tremendously frustrated that despite it's self advertised awesomeness I still couldn't find what I wanted, in a moment of haste I entered in my last name into the search, and POOF all kinds of entries.
For whatever reason I had completely forgotten about my great uncle being mentioned, well at least as often as he is.
So I start reading some of the entries, and it's all talk about his missionary work. And holy sh*t, I actually got a little nostalgic for the guy. He was actually my favorite member of my family in a lot of ways, though because he was overseas constantly I rarely got to see him. But I must say I think he probably had the most balanced and realistic viewpoint out of everyone. Deep down I think he knew our family was kinda....effed. And he dealt with it in his own way.
And I can only imagine what it was like, no matter the reason, to be in dangerous countries during war times, traveling as an American.
It's very, VERY odd for me to have any kind of such feelings for anything related to the dubs, but I think it's really more for him as a person. I would be fascinated to see what his life would've been like outside the religion.
But nontheless, the guy had some balls to be the first one into Seoul in the early 1950's.......;)