Little update about myself real quick: Haven't posted in a while, got curious about what was on the boards, so I had to log on. Amazed I still remember my password. Anyways,
A JW friend of mine (who is unaware I'm an atheist), and I were talking during lunch at school when he brings up scientology. I've completely forgot how the topic came up, but I do vividly remember what he had to say about their beliefs. He says to me:
"Y'know, there are some wacky people out there that believe some wacky things. There's this one religion that believes that aliens had a war in space, and the aliens that lost were sent down to Earth to inhabit the lives of the people living here. Isn't that ridiculous?"
I laughed so hard I nearly cried. Not because of the belief, but that us JDubs believe essentially the same thing, just with different mascots. It's amazing how people see what they want to isn't it?
Scientology vs. Jehovah's Witnesses
by torn in two son 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
torn in two son
Open mind
What's so wacky about a talkin' snake?
"What rafter?"
Not because of the belief, but that us JDubs believe essentially the same thing, just with different mascots.
Consider also the similarities with Mormonism.
I have been considering for some time the similarities between Rastafarian-ism and JW-ism.
- Both believe in "Jah" and "Jehovah God" being the Divine name.
- Both believe the Messiah has already returned.
- Both preach another Mediator other than Jesus Christ.
- Both are looking forward to the destruction of "Babylon" and "false religion".
- Both believe the original teaching of Christ have been lost and corrupt by Babylon and they are restoring the truth.
- Both are looking forward to the fire raining down from Heaven at Armageddon.
- Both have their alternative heaven, "Zion" or "paradise earth".
- Both have a replacement theology i.e. biological Israel has been wholly replaced by their own "spiritual Israel".
- Both believe their movement is a literal fulfillment of the 144, 000.
- Both abstain from involvement in politics.
- Both follow OT laws to abstain from certain foods.
- Both religions have been around for about 100 years.
When one reads the New Testament it is clear their is nothing new under the sun, all these falsehoods have been around in different guises for at least 2000 years.
Intelligent life outside earth? You mean someone put those amebas in the test tube?
Yep, pretty ridiculous....
Cold Steel
Consider also the similarities with Mormonism.
How so?
Jehovah's Witnesses have very little overlap with Mormons.
- Mormons believe Jehovah is Jesus Christ, not the Father.
- Mormons believe their leaders were called and ordained through revelation.
- Mormons believe in an open canon of scripture.
- Mormons believe in continuing revelation.
- Mormons believe in the restoration of Judah to their ancestral homeland.
- Mormons believe that Gog/Antichrist is the "Beast" that will attack Jerusalem with a great army.
- Mormons believe that Jesus/Jehovah will appear in Jerusalem during the destruction of Gog.
There are many other dissimilarities I could name. True, one could say their beliefs might be equally "strange," but not similar. In religion, most people think they're right and everyone else is wrong. Any religionist that believes another church's beliefs are strange, weird, peculiar, bizarre, outlandish and did I say "weird" -- is clearly thinking in a box. Mormons buy into a religion of revelation, but it's their revelation. Others buy into Calvinism, transubstantiation and others play with snakes and drink poison.
Atheism has its problems, as well, as do all other "isms" I'm familiar with. And most, if they can step away from their own religion, will agree that they believe some wacky things. But similar? That's debatable.