Larc's Triple Curve Theory

by larc 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    I believe that the triple curve theory is very important. Every good pitcher should have at least one good curve ball pitch. Now, if he has a good slider, then that is his second curve, but it is off on an angle. Now, here is where the triple curve comes into play. If he has a blazing fast ball, the ball will rise as it is going towards the plate. That is why many batters pop up against a fast ball, because they hit underneath it.

    This is all very important, because a triple curve pitcher, will cause the collapse of his batters, and this truly is a prediction of the end of the world, not only for the batter, but for society as we know it.

    Everything I have stated is true and can be proven in scripture. The Bible talked about baseball in Gen. 1:1, where it says, "In the big inning." I rest my case.

  • Celtic

    Tomorrow, this will be explained by an equation from myself.

    Nice post Larc!! Looking forward to an answer?



  • Hairy Harr
    Hairy Harr

    So Ty Cobb was probably the anti-christ, violating the 8th commandment?

  • Gopher

    What a BABE Ruth was!!! Just ask Boaz.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

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