Here is one paragraph from the aforementioned talk from the kingdom ministry school. It talks about the chieftan class. This is apparently new light from the March 1st 1999 Watchtower. Was a new one on me anyhow!
There's a lot of work that awaits us in the future. And I think more than ever, in recent weeks it has become more and more evident that there is great work that lies ahead for us in the congregations. We have a responsiblity to shepherd the sheep enplaced in our care. And to help our brothers and sisters to be prepared for the days that lie ahead. And so it is no time for complacency. Added to that, Ezekiel chapters 44-48 gives us some advance information about a class of men that will serve in an administrative capacity in the new world. And as you know it was pointed out in those Watchtower studies that these individuals serving in that administrative capacity are not the same as the annointed priesthood. But rather they are given an inheritance in the land on this earth and so their future, this administrative capacity of individuals in the future lies here on the earth. And the March 1st, 1999 Watchtower said on page 17 "because elders of the other sheep are proving themselves now, Jesus will choose to entrust many with even greater privledges in the future when he reveals the role of the chieftan class in the new world. Now that says a lot doesn't it? And that tells us about possible responsibilities that lie ahead. It doesn't say that because we are serving in that capacity today that we are going to be chosen for that either. Because that same Watchtower pointed out that it's going to be the Lord Jesus that's going to select those who prove faithful to receive these additional responsibilities as part of the chieftan class. Now that will not be just those that survive armageddon but it will also be those that are resurrected. And when you go back in time to those who will be resurrected you come to a very very great group of qualified men of ancient times. The faithful men of old. And of course these men were called the ones that were going to be princes in all the earth as well. So we will have in our midst Jehovah willing, the kind of men that are truly qualified in administration. Imagine, men like Moses and Joseph and Abraham and Daniel, the three hebrews and of course that just scratches the surface. Really, really qualified men placed in charge of millions and millions of people.
ugh. Just more making stuff up as they go along! Apparently if you're an elder and you remain spiritually strong and make it through armageddon the Watchtower says you *might* get to be part of an elite group of men called the chieftan class. WTF? Well isn't that EXTRA special! (doing church lady face while doing the superior dance) And they make it sound like it's 100% fact saying Jesus WILL do this and that and the other thing. WHATEVER WATCHTOWER!!!
Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity. Lord Acton 1834-1902