Elizabeth Smart Cast

by skeeter1 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • skeeter1

    Wow, what a testimony she gave. She is one tough cookie to have gone through what she did.

    Her rapist, Brian Mitchell, appears to have been LDS offshoot. Not only did he rape Elizabeth every day, he wanted to kidnap her cousin. He tried to do that, but it didn't work out. So, he moves to San Diego and starts trolling in LDS churches looking for a 3rd wife. He wanted one who was young and would more easily accept polygamy as taught by LDS.

    I read that the first wife has admitted to the Elizabeth Smart charges, and has apologized to the family.

    What is fascinating is that Ms. Smart is still within the LDS. They gave her an 18 month missionary post in Paris. But, the LDS church doesn't usually allow LDS missionaries much contact with the parents . . . or even allow them to see the news! They are to spend all their time preaching with another LDS youngster, studying the Book of Mormon etc. They get one day off a week to do laundry. I "bet" the "friend" is supposed to report any doubts... I read an article that said contact with parents was allowed on Mother's Day and Christmas. I wonder if she is allowed more. Talk about information control!

    Gosh, knowing the history of the mainstream LDS church in the US, and how they kidnapped and raped women back in the 1800's . . .and that they still believe (but do not practice) polygamy . .allows a man to pick out many earthly women and report the women's names to the Temple to be their predestined heavenly wife. . I wonder how Elizabeth Smart manages to remain an LDS member and if any of this bothers her. I wonder if the alarm bells are ringing in her head, like the alarm bells went off in our JW heads.

    It will be interesting to see how she grows up and matures. It sounds like the LDS church gave her the perk of Paris....

    Didn't we have an ex-Mormon on JWN?

    If there is a God(s), I hope He blesses Ms. Smart. May peace find her. May her rapist get General Population.


  • purplesofa

    When I saw the topic of this thread, the first thing I thought is she is one tough gal!!

    I met some missionaries that came to my door shortly after I quit going to meetings and that is what they told me, they had little contact with their family. They missed it, but they knew it was only temporary. BUT, I thought only the men could do the missionary work.

    I wonder if the alarm bells are ringing in her head, like the alarm bells went off in our JW heads.

    I hope so.


  • skeeter1

    I meant Case, not Cast.

    The article I read said that women are given 18 month posts and men 24 month posts. All have to apply, and the little LDS children sing a song about being given the opportunity to go to missionary. Indoctrinate YOUNG to do the preaching work, I suppose. While on missionary, they are severely restricted to preaching, studying about their religion, and being with their missionary pal. No outside influences.

    I read a legal case about a missionary guy who went somewhere into the South/Central American jungle LDS briefed him on the area and gave him the required shots. He got sick from some tropical disease that he wasn't vaccinated for. He got REAL sick, and had to be hospitalized in the foreign country and then come back to his home, Texas, I think. He faced huge doctor's bills, and wanted the LDS church to pay for it The LDS refused, outcasted him, and stripped him of his Temple and other priviledges. So, he was trying to sue. I'll have to find that case. Justice AND charity would be for the LDS to pay, but they were not going to do it. Left him high and dry. Remind you of any cases against the WTS by Bethel workers?


  • FlyingHighNow

    Sounds to me like Elizabeth at least had a better childhood than JW's have. She lived with a loving family who had wealth and afforded her good things like instruction on the harp. At least Mormon's celebrate holidays and vote and don't make their kids leave the class room for parties, etc.

  • skeeter1

    Perhaps the fact that kids can be kids AND go to a fine college like Brigham Young is part of the reason that LDS have a higher retention rate then JWs with their youth.

  • truthseekeriam

    I think she is such a strong woman!!

    I bet standing up to that SOB in court is so healing for her

  • FlyingHighNow

    I think Elizabeth looks like a young Christie Brinkley:

    Christie Brinkley

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