I guess even unknown holidays are out, but really can someone have a serious argument against this since it's not serious to begin with? Besides it kind of makes fun of Christmas, although I could see someone potentially complaining that the aluminum pole is like a phallus..
What if you invited JWs to celebrate Festivus?
by Markfromcali 4 Replies latest social humour
I thought the same thing, soonernc7. although I would love to tackle a few jackass elders in the feats of strength.
Festivus is only for "the rest of us." While JW's are not celebrating Xmas, Chanukah, Kwaanza, or the Islamic New Year and Ashura, they are not "the rest of us." They view us (everyone outside of JW's) as "the rest of them."
So no exhibitions of feats of strength, no pole, no nothing. However, there is hope:
Once my parents became baptized, Christmas was renamed to "Gift Exchange Day" in our household. My bro used to come in the door and announce loudly to us all "Merry Gift Exchange!" It used to make me LOL.
It was the same day with all of us getting together to exchange gifts and eat copious amounts of turkey.
Sadly, my parents slowly stopped attending all of these family get togethers but my bro and I kept it up. My parents missed out on a lot of fun.