Time can heal, but not completely

by Maddie 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Maddie

    It's been a long time since I looked in here; even longer since I posted. I don't recognise hardly anyone on the site now, but remember the support from posters when things were very difficult for me, as I made the decision to leave the Watch Tower. It was a so painful not being able to have my JW son and baby grand daughter and not having them in my life any more and still hurts two years later, but it is bearable now most of the time.

    I don't regret leaving because I couldn't live a lie after I knew it was a cult. It is a huge price to pay for all of us who are shunned by our loved ones; nearly every day something acts as a trigger in my life to remind me of it all.

    I have lots to be grateful for in my life these days and lead a busy and fulfilled life, free from the sinister control of the JW cult. I hope this is encouragement to posters who want to leave but are still prisoners because of fear.

    Regards Maddie

  • mamalove

    I am glad that life is bearable for you now. What do you attribute to things being tolerable? Do you have some new hobbies or newfound interests? Any chance your family will come around? ((HUGS))

  • Lozhasleft

    Thank you for your update...I can empathise because every day I think about my adult kids and grand children that I dont get to see anymore....so cruel isnt it?

    Loz x

  • Maddie

    mamalove - Thank you for the hugs. I am lucky in that I have a very supportive husband (never been a JW), which really helps. I am in the "real world" now if you know what I mean and accept life on lifes terms.

    I have a job dealing with the public and am involved as a Health & Safety Representative so go on lots of courses which I love doing. I was involved in a campaign recently that is about preventing abuse on shop workers and the local press are doing an article which will feature in the local newspaper soon.

    I also have another son who is not a JW and I have a close bond with. Unfortunately, he only has minimal contact with my other son too which is very sad. My JW son seems to of cut everyone, even family who are not JW's virtually out of his life. His wife has a huge part to play in this situation and seems to be very influential with my son. There have been a few times when I have felt like giving her a piece of my mind, but have resisted the inclination!

    As things stand I don't hold out much hope of things changing, which is why I try very hard to focus on getting them out now and just live my life. To do otherwise would ultimately destroy me and the people in my life.

    Lozhasleft - It is very cruel my friend, all about control, emotional blackmail and the cause of pain. It ruins many lives so we have to be very strong when we take a stand. Many hugs to you xxxx


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