The Star Method.
We started at the KH (point A.... shoot all the way out to Worden (the furthest point north), then back to South Roxana (the furthest point south), then stop for coffee (at Hardee's in the middle of the star), then after 45 minutes, go out to Cottage Hills (the furthest west), then go all the way to Hamel (furthest east), then back to the kingdom hall (in cottage hills)....
Doing this slowly was called The Pioneer Shuffle.
Now I just simplify it by calling it A Big Waste of Time.
Snakes (Rich )
(p.s.. by the way... Streets & Trips puts the above route at 72.6 miles and 1 hour and 40 minutes of driving. When I hit the "optimize" button it reduces the route to 42.3 miles and 1 hour and 7 minutes .... were we good at wasting time or what? LOL)