Letter sent to me by MIL after discussion with her 2 years ago

by Little Imp 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    But now to something that I have researched. I don’t know whether you remember saying that if we keep talking about Armageddon it would not come. But how can we warn people of the impending disaster if we don’t tell them?

    I found many instances when Jehovah God told his people to go and tell the people that disaster would strike, but many ignored the warning to their peril.

    1) Noah preached for at least 60 years if not more and built a gigantic ark. The people could see the buiding work but obviously ignored it. Jehovah God told Noah when to go into the ark with his family and then the flood came. Mt. 24:36-39. Noah was told when to go into the ark, but the world of that time took NO NOTE and swept them all away. He. 11:7, 2 Pe. 2:5 a PREACHER of righteousness.

    2) When the 10th plague visited the Egyptians the Israelites were told to stay indoors for their own safety. Ex. 12:23.

    3) Before the destruction of Jerusalem the Christians were told to flee the city when the town was surrounded by the roman army. Mt. 24:15-18

    4) Jehovah’s people have always known when trouble was coming and how they coud find safety through Jehovah’s means. It is people outside the congregation who ignore all the warnings that Jehovah has kindly made known to them but they stubbornly refuse to take note. It is unbelievers who will say “Peace and Security” when sudden destruction will come instantly upon them. Just as Noah, the Israelites and the early Christians were not surprised, neither will we be. 1 Thess. 5:1-6. Verse 4: But you brothers, you are not in darkness so that that day should overtake you as it would thieves.
    (Todays Day text)

    We are actually urged byJesus Christ to tell the good news of Jehovah’s Kingdom, he would not tell us to do something and then withhold the Kingdom since we talk about it, it makes no sence.

    So, I hope that these few scriptures have cleared up the matter and that’s the reason I urge you to go to the meetings. As for myself, I will do exactly as Jehovah asks me to do. Ge. 6:22, “but as for me, I shall serve Jehovah”. Josh 24:15.

  • BurnTheShips

    Mine broke off contact with me several years ago after I argued how she was wrong. She has initiated limited contact with me for the sake of her grandchildren....but I have to keep my yap shut.


  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    I just found this today and thought I would share it. However, like you both my husband and I keep our mouths shut.

    My husband would like to be honest with her but I said it's not right to upset an old lady, she isn of 82 years of age and truly believes Armageddon will happen tomorrow.


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