Hi I am new to this forum, so please bear with me. I have a question from the Book of John. John is asked if he is the Christ, he replies no, then he is asked if he is The Prophet, he replies no. This sounds like Jesus and The Prophet are two differnet people, so just who is The Prophet? thanks jeannie
The Prophet
by jeannie 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
I certainly don't claim to be all that knowledgeable about this, but I remember reading a few things here and there.
First of all, it's important to remember that there were many conflicting Judaisms at the time - one of which was the group that took all the dead sea scrolls and fled.
Each group had its own ideas, much like all of Christianity and any other religion today. Some were very apocalyptic (like the JWs), others were very rule oriented (the Pharisees), others were skeptics (the Sadducees).
Anyway, everyone had their own interpretation of the old testament. all new of the promise of a Messiah, but they also knew of a reference to a 'great Prophet' by Moses. This Prophet was supposed to come at some future date (how vague can you get).
With only really one reference, this prophet could be related to one of the former prophets (Elijah, etc.) to the Messiah, or someone else. Everyone had their own opinion.
Another interesting note is that the Essnes (The dead sea scrolls) believed there would be two Messiahs - a king and a priest. The NT rolls these up into one, and Paul gives an explanation of how this is possible, by using Melchizadek as an example.
I find it interesting how religion has always been disputed - there was never one path, no matter how much any religion wants you to believe . . . and hence the different versions of Christ's life.
This is kind of a small thing so I don't claim to know to much but can suggest a bit. Some of the Jews did believe that the messiah and the prophet might be separate people. 'The Prophet' is used in a few other places in John too-- ie 6:14 & 7:40 and is said to be a title taken from Duet.18:15 which is a reference to Christ so it might indicate that although they were expecting them to be different people they were really one in the same. Don't quote me on that but study the scriptures :) Welcome Newbie
Angie <>< -
Even today the Jews set a place for Elijah the prophet in certain ceremonies that is due to return before the Mesiah. Jesus said that John the Baptist was this "Elijah" that was destined to come. Jesus also said that we are to expect another before his return. There are many passages in the bible about this. John didnt do all that the Prophet is supposed to do. As the Deciples were looking for the Prophet at the Time Jesus showed up, we today shold possibly be looking for one?
Just a thought.
Norval -
actually two Elijah. One for your namesake and one for the "Glory of God"!
If you are thinking of the 2 witness of Rev, the only cross reference to that is in the old KJV of 1611. It crosses over to the passage in 2nd Esdras about 2 prophits to help and names them.
Most deep researchers that i have enjoyed talking with think that there will be an "Elijah like one" as was John the Dunker, and 2 others to stand up as the 2 witnesses.
Enter MDS, Larsguy etc etc
Hi Jeannie,
I have no clue about the answer to your question! I think you're pretty sharp just for having picked up on that subtle detail!
BTW, I recognize you from the exjwinwestva group!! Welcome here, and come join us in chat some time for some real fun.
GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
Mark Twain (1835-1910)