Has anyone thought about how similar JW Judicial Committees are in function to Islamic Sharia Courts of Law? They both judge people using religious standards and can hand down "death" sentences for those violating those standards. Granted, JW's can't physically kill you for violating the WT standards (though they would if it is was legal), but they can "kill" you in the eyes of your JW friends and family...and they believe you are dead in God's eyes as well. Despite the similarities, JW's would be the first to point out how inhuman and cruel Sharia Law is...especially in denying Moslems the choice to change their belief systems...ironic, huh?
Judicial Committee versus Sharia Law...
by tenyearsafter 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
At least no-one dies because of a JC... in theory...
True Vampire...but if you could legally be stoned for being an apostate, guess who would be flinging the first rocks?!
TenYears: " but they can "kill" you in the eyes of your JW friends and family...and they believe you are dead in God's eyes as well"
Well, you have to be 'dead' before you can be resurrected. Our day will come!
I guess if your whole family, all of a sudden, starts to shun you, sometimes you'll be WISHING you were dead...
Darth plaugeis
Well thank goodness to the New Testament because God was so much meanier back then.
You must learn to forgrt HOW Evil Jehovah used to be.................
Funny how all the Faiths..... sound the same..... same thoughts..morals...
wait it's the same GOD just.............. Different!
it has always been ..... where DO YOU STAND?
Darth...I see it more as a similarity between man-created control mechanisms...do what I say or else!