Here is my view on what WT thinks about bedroom laws.....i think of them as bullsh*t!!! I am sorry, but how the heck can married couples be fornicatiing????? i mean, anal, i can understand but condemning oral????? what the freak??? and mutual masturbation? can anyone show me where are the bible principles for this? and why WTs is making the org more strict than what it should be?
what married couples do is none of their business, honestly, i think whoever suggested this was jealous. no offense. but since when married couples fornicate over certain sex acts? i am just saying. WT takes it over a notch too much.
okay sorry, i had to get that out of my system...most of it :/
what bedroom laws were you told you couldn't do? besides oral and anal and mutual masturbation? >.<
(yes i am young but i am curious to know...not to mention everyone besides myself has crazy fanatasies >.> so dont say "i am too young to know this" or whatever.)