How many Ex-JWs in the world today?

by oldlightnewshite 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldlightnewshite

    Has anyone ever calculated how many Ex-JWs there are in the world today? I know the 'retention rate' is pretty low. I just wondered if anybody has done the math and worked it out, figuring in maybe an allowance for deaths, and also, perhaps a figure for people who have studied with the witnesses, become unbaptised publishers, then walked away. I'm curious just what a mean percentage of the population is familiar with the cult and its beliefs and practices.

    Thanks in anticipation

  • Gayle
  • oldlightnewshite

    Thanks Gayle. Wow, they've done a lot of work. Never seen so many bar graphs. Going on what I've read there, I think a guess could be anywhere between 5 and 10 million Ex-JWs worldwide. It's hard to tell how many people have become publishers, but never followed through to baptism. The trends are very encouraging... mostly going south! I think soon the % increase will go below world population increase. The average number of hours in field service to ratio of baptisms is going up, so that's good too. Many more wasted hours for dwindling interest. The lions share of increase is probably born-ins, and not calls in the ministry.

  • cyberjesus

    i think is like 1% dfds each year. so in the past 15 years at least one million have bn dfd


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