I've recently finished the book, " Iconoclast - a neuroscientist reveals how to think differently " by Gregory Berns. He sure makes a person feel better for being a rebel. The book moves quickly and is an entertaining journey through the mind an how it works. There are also implications on how society, or our "tribes" work, and why individualists (iconoclasts) are often ignored.
I think those of you who are exiting witnesses, who have broken away in honor of your independent thought, might find comfort in this author's findings. Here's a couple thoughts from the book that I flagged:
"Categories are the death to imagination....Novel experiences, especially big changes such as relocations, figure prominently in the imagination of an iconoclast....An effective strategy to fight categorization is to confront categories directly..." - I figure this is why so many of you left successfully by allowing yourselves new experiences, and moving away if necessary.
"Nobody likes to look stupid, but the pain of being the odd person out often seems worse...One possibility is to isolate oneself so that one doesn't have to face others' opinions...Another solution...is to develop a tough skin and simply not care what others think...One dissenter was typically enough to break the herd effect. From the iconoclast's perspective, this means that the most effective strategy for dealing with a group is to recruit one like-minded individual. Although two people may not be sufficient to sway the group's opinion, having one ally is all that is needed to maintnain one's own judgement." - How plainly this author lays out the the pain of being the odd man out. His strategies to maintain individualism do work.