Hi just a quick question. I know some of you here are stil in Kingdom Hall. I am looking for an article in watchtower ( it was a study article) about 5 month ago where they said that we are not to hold hands with our loved ones during prayer time. Does anyone remembers this article? If any of you have this watchtower can you please post this here? I really need it. Thanks.
help please
by phoebed 8 Replies latest jw experiences
*** w09 11/15 pp. 6-7 par. 19 What Do Your Prayers Say About You? ***
19 When we are being represented in public prayer, we need to display reverential "fear of God." (1 Pet. 2:17) There may be a proper time and place for some actions that would be inappropriate at a Christian meeting. (Eccl. 3:1) For instance, suppose someone sought to have all in a group link arms or hold hands during such a prayer. This might offend or distract some, including visitors who do not share our beliefs. Some marriage mates might discreetly hold hands, but if they embraced each other during public prayer, those who got a glimpse of such conduct might be stumbled. They might think or get the impression that the couple was focusing on their romantic relationship instead of reverence for Jehovah. Out of deep respect for him, let us therefore "do all things for God's glory" and avoid conduct that could distract, shock, or stumble anyone.-1 Cor. 10:31, 32; 2 Cor. 6:3.
Black Sheep
A lot of ex-JWs overstated what the article said. Don't make this mistake with your Dubs. It does not say that marriage mates should not hold hands, only that they should snog.
When I read that last year I thought, WTF! Now prayer circles always freaked me out, felt like it was a seance or something, but holding hands, wrapping your arms around your mate? Good god man, get over yourselves GB!
holding hands Yes. Hugging No.
OMG!! That totally is the most retarted rule or judgemental thing I have ever heard! Would I have said that when I was JW, no, but I would be thinking it!
Thanks Guys! You are so great!
Soldier 77 I am asumming WTF mean Watchtower FUN and you should know the rule..No Fun alloud FF