How can I find one in my area?
Ex-Cult/Exit Counselor
by LotusFlower1 7 Replies latest jw friends
where are you?
Specialists are pretty rare.
A good psychologist should be able to help though. I am seeing just a normal one and he has helped tremendously.
Lady Lee
Any therapist or social worker who is experienced in working with abuse issues can easily adapt the abusivie environment of the WTS to that of any abusive family - just on a much larger scale.
You might want to contact Randy Watters at for possible referrals in your area. Good Luck!
Yes, check with Randy.
He's friends with Steve Hassan and probably knows a number of exit counselors.
Good for you!
Good suggestions already! You could also check out your local Christian book store and look at the local paper they probably have, in it you may find an add for a few groups who do exit counseling for cults and info for concerned family members. Be aware of course they have a Christian slant to things but they do know about the various cults and all their doctrines written and unwritten. Often they have ex members or not as the case may be particularly in the case of jw's due to the shunning df'd persons policy.