I have managed to obtain email addresses for the HLC committee members in Ireland while surfing the net with the view of obtaining the date of the letter from the bethel in Ireland confirming the closure on January 1, 2011. I even got the email address for the co-ordinator of Hospital Information Services right at Ireland Bethel but feel inadequate to email him directly. Any help with making a draft email asking for this information without suspicion would be most welcome and any those wanting the email addresses to ask for the same information please PM me.
Email Contacts in Ireland
by daveysmithy30 1 Replies latest jw friends
Yan Bibiyan
From the abovementioned document:
"...Jehovah’s Witnesses completely refuse transfusion
of blood and primary blood components (red cells,
white cells, plasma and platelets). Outside of blood
transfusion, religious regulation and practice by
Witnesses varies in areas including autologous
transfusion (their own blood) and the use of blood
fractions (or derivatives)."
Really?!?! Religious regulations and practices on autologous transfussion vary? Am I missing some rule loosening or is this a blatant outright lie?