Well some news. Recently I started two new themes for the Dear Lee column on Freeminds
On Mondays I will be using the Talk Outlines to address some of the poor critical thinking issues in the talks. The hope is to get you to hear what isn't being said.
On Fridays there is a new series called "How To" which will discuss everything from "How to develop critical thinking skills" to "How to decorate your Christmas tree". At my Meet-up group this week they suggested I write something like a "How-to" because there are so many things we have no idea how to do or even begin to do. So I will do my best to start from the beginning knowing that it is some of those beginning steps that we often can't find information about.
So if you have ideas about questions for the "How-to" feel free to let me know what they are and I will add them to the list the Meetup group gave me.