Hi everyone,
I Recently spoke to my mother and wife (separately) to explain what Jesus meant when he was talking in John Ch 10 about 'the other sheep'. For my wife, I wrote out in pencil and 'diagrammes' the explanation. She of course said I was criticizing the society. I said I wasnt criticizing the society, but was simply pointing out a TRUTH. I said to her that I didnt care for imperfect mens interpretatons (however sincere); that it is important to know what Jesus was truly trying to tell us. I then went into a lengthy explanation of John ch 10. Funny enough, my mother was easier to speak to on this topic, and I was quite surprised by her reaction as she can see no wrong with the teachings of the society.
This is how I explained 'the other sheep' spoken of by Jesus in Jon Ch 10. Click on the link below.
All credit goes to Perimeno who has revealed this truth to me.
Simply put
The sheep that are in the pen as mentioned in John 10: 7 are 'natural Jews' from the lost sheep of Israel - from whome listen to Jesus voice - the ones whome Jesus was sent forth to preach to 'first'.
John 10 : 16 - the other sheep, Jesus refers to are 'the gentiles' who later on listen to Jesus voice and also become followers.
These two flocks of sheep ie Natural Jews who became Christians and gentiles who later on became Christians,- then join together to become one flock under one shepherd - Jesus Christ. For Jewish Christians - this would have taken a bit of time to getting used to (recall the circumcision issue).
This would then mean - from Jesus death up until the present day, 144,000 holy one's have been and continue to be ,- selected - to rule as kings and priests to rule (with Christ) over the earth.
Irrespective of whether a Christian is going to heaven or to reside here on earth, - Jesus is mediator to all Christians. That is why we can pray to our father (Y[J]ehovah) in heaven through Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins, because he (Jesus [Yeshua]) - is our mediator.
I personally have decided to take the advice of perimeno and humbly stick with the household of God - Jehovah's Witnesses. Though, some of there teachings are incorrect, I believe for the most part that they have helped us to understand many truths; plus the fact that they are doing what Jesus asked of Christians and that is to preach the good news of the kingdom, which is the most important thing at this time. I do this as one of Jehovahs witnesses because I believe wholeheartedly in Gods word. All truth will be revealed shortly and all mistakes by imperfect men revealed. Stick with it brothers and sisters and dont be stumbled by some of the teachings of imperfect men and some of their unfair policies. Each of us will be judged according to our deeds; and that will especially include our leaders / teachers (James 3:1).
Thanks for reading
Christian love