Hello, this is my first post. I was a Jehovah's witness for 14 years in a couple of hispanic congregations. (Spanish is my native language). My wife and my daughter also got baptised. When my two sons were close to be considered adults they decided not to become JW. Although we received some suggestions to kick them out , my wife and I agreed not to follow these " advices". Around 2006 some doubts began to fill my mind: the new light about blood, the birthdays, the faithful and discreet slave doctrine and more. I had heard about 1975 and I wondered why the Society didn't say anything about that. Eventually, I realized that the Watchtower was not the the "truth". I decided to dissasociate myself but I didn't know what to do about my family because I knew I could lose them. Next time, I will tell what happened. (Please excuse my grammar mistakes, spelling, wrong use of commas,etc.)
Almost two years of freedom
by squaredzombie 9 Replies latest jw experiences
Your English is fine.
Please tell us the rest of your story.
I wish I could communicate in Spanish a tenth as well as you do in English. Bienvenido.
Your English is great, no worries.
Welcome! Welcome!
Welcome to the forum and welcome to freedom. It's a wonderful thing!
well, good for you. I'm glad you stood by your kids.
Welcome, welcome. Good for you to not kick your sons out. Looking forward to reading more.
Although we received some suggestions to kick them out , my wife and I agreed not to follow these " advices".
Good for you, you let common decency and common sense trump "advice" from the self-declared "God's representative."