The pope has just said that it's now okay to use condoms 'in some cases'.
He didn't say anything about the use of blood fractions, though.
No wait- I'm getting my evil religions mixed up again.
by oldlightnewshite 7 Replies latest jw friends
The pope has just said that it's now okay to use condoms 'in some cases'.
He didn't say anything about the use of blood fractions, though.
No wait- I'm getting my evil religions mixed up again.
I believe what the pope said included a statement that male prostitutes using condoms were being responsible not to spread STD's.
When I heard that quick blurb on the news, I would have sprayed my beverage all over the room if any liquid were in my mouth.
Why does the guy need to sneak up on a doctrinal change?
Noolite from the Catholic church. About time too.
Why wait on new light from any religion when you can use common sense right now
Why wait on new light from any religion when you can use common sense right now
You're right, but what religion puts a premium on common sense?
This is not a "new" doctrine or anything of the like. It's just sensationalism of the media on another anti-Catholic harp.
Remember a few weeks ago, the story that the Vatican claimed Homer Simpson was a Catholic? Yeah, the media goofed on that one. The report--which was in the Vatican's paper and in Latin--was a partial review and commentary on an episode of the Simpsons wherein both Homer and Bart consider becoming Catholic, though they never do leave their present church in the end. The Catholic Church and even the writer of the article never claimed that Homer was a Catholic, but that perhaps "at heart" Homer was one inside or, as the episode hinted at, perhaps at least wanted to be one.
The media never came back and explained they blew the story out of proportion.
Remember the one about the Catholic Church adding new commandments to the Ten Commandments? Again, the original article was in Latin, and it was not an official statement from the Church. It was a humorous commentary in the same Vatican paper that had the author "suggesting" that "good manners" need to be taught like the Ten Commandments--such as not bullying people on the Internet.
Of course, who remembers the media coming back and saying they didn't report that one correctly either?
As for this latest report? Yep, it's also blown out of proportion ,and again the truth of the matter is nothing like what people are chattering about. The Pope is not making a new teaching or even saying that it's suddenly okay to use condoms as birth control. He was talking about the difference between the moral stand of the Catholic Church on birth control and the practical use of condoms in their help to spread disease:
But like the Watchtower knows and therefore practices on its own rank and file, if you give people a little bit of information, the ego tends to think that we are suddenly authorities on a subject and we will argue to the death over a something we were in reality just spoonfed just tidbits to begin with.
While I am not saying we should all become Catholics or believe that the Catholic Church is without it's faults (or that the media is always on a harp against Catholics, its not)--the Catholic Church definitely has a lot of problems that I am angry about myself--but I am saying that I personally don't trust a ratings-driven media to teach me accuracies about religion, atheism, philosophy, science and the like.
And reading tidbits from news articles and reacting to them is not the same as reading a book the article is citing and responsibly responding about to. If reading tidbits make me an authority on anything, then I'm a genuis from all the years I was forced to read Awake! magazines.
Ok Poppers, you got me on that one
They must have shares in the condom factories.