Wall Street caught again with hands in the Cookie Jar

by designs 4 Replies latest social current

  • designs

    The FBI and the SEC are about to bring criminal charges against the following Firms for insider deals-

    Goldman Sachs (again) (what's this make three times in the past year alone)

    Janus Funds

    Wellington Funds

    MFS (Mormon owned) check Mit Romney's connections.

    Citadel Funds

    SAC Funds

    Primary Global (offshore India accounts)

    Sadly $$$-Millions will be collected in Fines with a standard confession of 'without admitting guilt' clause and it will be business as usual. Oh and you won't see a dime of the Fines, Treasury keeps it.

  • heathen

    I was opposed to bailouts to begin with .They are obviously crooks that were granted a free pass .typical of the Bush admin.

  • cantleave

    Bunch of bankers - the lot of them.

  • designs

    Cantleave- at least you where spelling with Bs instead of Fs

  • journey-on

    Good! It's about time. Their connections with any and all government agencies AND individual politicians no matter what party or how high up the ladder should be thoroughly investigated as well. Let the clean-ups begin!

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