Where did the practise of spouses holding hands during prayer originate??? Is there any scriptures to support or refute it?? I find it very funny.
Holding Hands...
by on the rocks 5 Replies latest social relationships
I see this has been viewed 91 times. I don't know the answer to your question, and apparently no one so far knows either. Sorry.
I think it originated with the fact that they love each other. That's why I'd hold hands with someone I'm married to.
It's just a way of being "alone" .... yet together, at a moment that is significant to eachother. For example when a husband and wife see their child do something noteworthy, especially if they are in a public place and can't really say outloud how they feel, they might take eachother's hand and silently acknowledge eachothers feelings about it.
People just do that....it's not something that is mentioned in the Bible to my knowledge.
I'm sure it has some sort of pagan origin. Most things do.
Forgive me, is this question to be cynical, or was the question phrased wrong considering the overreaction to the WT's article on families holding hands or embracing during the prayer? I fail to see how holding hands during prayer had "an origin." Your question is like asking, where did the origin of men putting their arm around their gal during movies originate?