I know ot should't hurt my feelings....

by sherry123 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • sherry123

    but it does when i get shuned...fortunatly that is extremly rare.

  • MrFreeze

    Why shouldn't it hurt your feelings? Someobdy going out of their way to diss you.

  • wasblind

    I'm glad it's a rare thing for you sherry

    I wish it didn't happen to you at all

  • sherry123

    I know but i feel inferior somehow.

  • wasblind

    Even in good standing, it's hard for people to feel as if their good enough, or doing enough

    and just think, their supposed to be the happiest people on earth

  • GrandmaJones

    Try to think of it as standing up for your integrity. You have the courage of your convictions and have had the strength to rely on yourself.

    To be treated like this is an insult to your human dignity.

    Did you see the twilight zone episode sometone posted here the other night?

    As Ding told the poster, "We see you."

  • bluesky3074

    twilight zone episode >?not yet.

  • poppers

    Of course it should hurt your feelings and make you feel inferior, that's the point of it - keeping the congregation clean is just the "spiritual justification" used to salve their consciences and make them feel superior. Hurting your feelings is the manipulative stick used to beat you with - that hurts. Why else would they use it knowing that the hurt will stop when you "return to the fold"? But I'm glad that it is rare for you to feel hurt.

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