Is praying good for you?

by sleepy 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    When in the "truth" most of us used to pray.
    I used to pray for help in doing things , say give a talk , and would ask for holy spirit .I felt I needed it to give a talk well.
    But was it all just a placebo effect.
    Did the belief that I was getting help cause me to become more confident because I though God was helping me?

    As time went on in the truth I felt as If prayer was just talking to your self.In fact I found it embarissing to give prayers in public as I felt silly talking to an invisible creature.
    But in the night I would prayer and maybe go over the days events , think about new things coming up , other people and life in general.
    Is this benifical to a person?
    I believe so . In doing this we are meditating on events we would not otherwise think deaply about , this can help us think of solutions to problems or put things in perspective.
    How often would we review events if we didnt pray.
    Now I doubt that we are conversing with God , but I think to "pray" or go over events in your mind maybe once a day or whatever, is good for your well being and can help you with lifes problems.
    Although not getting help from another creature we as humans need to meditate in order to make good decisions.
    The placebo effect doesn't seem to work anymore and I rely on myself and my experience to help me do difficult tasks.
    But when something really big comes up I admit I still say a little prayer.

  • freeborg

    I have spent no time praying or having the urge to pray, since leaving the WTS 2 years ago I have wondered who and what to pray to.
    Who is listening?

  • teenyuck

    I do not believe it helps me at all. Cleaning the house helps me meditate. It is mind-numbing. I can forget my other troubles and think

    Seriously, when I prayed as a kid, I said the same prayer every single night. Nothing came of it. I prayed that my family stay together. NOT. However, it did help me fall asleep every night. I would wake up most mornings and realize I had fallen asleep whilst praying and did not finish...I would let it go. I figured if god were listening, he at least heard my introduction.

    I never pray now. I do not believe in god and what is the use of thinking something that is up to the fates to decide?

  • RWC

    If you don't believe in God there is no sense in praying. But if you do, it can do wonderous things. The answer to the prayer may not be what you asked for but it is what God knows is right for you. I have prayed alot over the years and I believe it has done me alot of good.

  • Trotafox

    Sleepy and Freeborg:

    (1) Pray to whom? It doesn't matter. God (or Jehovah or Jesus) has a plan for each one of us. He answers our prayers when they are in line with that plan. Thank Him always for the good things that are in your life. Praise Him for everything as the Creator. Pray for others always. And lastly, pray to become more sensitive to what He wants for you and not what you want for yourself.

    (2) Read the Bible (Living Bible easier to understand) but not without asking first for Him to help you understand.

    (3) Watch and tape Dr. Charles Stanley on TV. Go to his web site and order his materials. There is an archive of his talks and audio/video tapes and books. His talk last week was on prayer and why people have the very same problems you just mentioned. The outline of that talk is in the archives. See if you can get the tape. It's worth the money and then tape his TV programs (will save you $$). The man is GOOD. I can't recommend him enough. I was lost after leaving the JW's for the same reason. Who do I prayer to? What really is the truth? Stanley will reach your heart guaranteed and help you. He makes makes more sense than anything or anyone else I have heard in 30 years. I now understand the Trinity and realize the JW's are completely off base. He's a baptist preacher but not over emotional, if you get my drift.

    Hope this helps.


    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

  • sleepy

    Thanks for your comments.

    I was really trying to make the point that praying is a form of meditation.
    You don't need to pray as such just go over points in your mind.

  • picosito

    Once, instead of praying before giving a public talk I watched a good pornflick. It was one of the best talks I ever gave.

  • wonderwoman77

    I think that it does help me. Sometimes I pray, sometimes I meditate more. It just depends on my mood, but it helps me to center myself and have that connection to a higher power....

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