I recently found an interview with Steven Weinberg http://richarddawkins.net/rdf_productions/steven_weinberg which i would strongly recommend. Steven Weinberg is not the average run-of-the-mill theoretical physics nobel-prize winner, but would easily be in my top-5 greatest physicists of the 20th century.
Dont get scared by Richard Dawkins -- he dont get to say a whole lot and Weinberg has IMHO a much more agreeable belief on atheism. He also tell Dawkins off in video 8 :-).
The most interesting part is when Weinberg explain the state of modern cosmology around the time of Big Bang (mid of video 2 to video 4). In particular, he address the Chaotic Inflation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaotic_Inflation_theory (where new Big Bangs occur all the time) and how it relate to the fine-tuning problem in physics (which Weinberg discuss at some length). Choice quote from the end of video 4 where Weinberg slam a cardinal:
"Cardinal Schoenborn in his opt-ed article said precisely that the multiverse idea was invented in order avoid the apperence of design in the universe and that is simply not true. It is historically not true"
I thought this was quite interesting in the light of this topic: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/social/current/202219/1/Stephen-Hawkings-is-a-nutter-for-believing-in-a-fantasy where Stephen Hawkins is called a "nutter" for believing in the multiverse idea -- i wonder if Weinberg, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, is a nutter to since the two seem to believe about the same thing.